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Clicker and 4 personal ID tags

No ratings. Art.No.: JCM.004.CL
Set your camera to Watching or Sleeping mode by a single Click & Tap.
Availability: Low stock - order quickly!
18,90 € (net)
22,87 €
(22,87 €/ks)
Clicker and 4 personal ID tags

Set your camera to Watching or Sleeping mode by a single Click & Tap. Succesful change will be confirmed with LED and short beep.

Everybody in your household or company can get its personal tag. Four tags are enclosed with the Clicker. Further can be added. Up to 20 tags can be assigned to a single camera.

Clicker communicates with your camera wirelessly and is battery operated. It is compatible with all Jablocom EYE-02 and EyeSee family.

Technical specification
Battery: 2x alkaline AAA 1.5 V 1200 mAh
Communication band: 868,5 MHz
Communication range: 50 meters
Operational temperature: -10 to +40 °C
Can be operated according to EKC REC 70-03
Complies with ETSI EN 300220, EN 55022, EN 50134-2, EN50130-4, EN60950-1

Weight 0.2 kg
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