Home / Right of withdrawal
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Our phones are designed, produced and tested for daily use in companies and institutions. We stand for the quality and provide an extended 3-year warranty for all our phones.



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Right of withdrawal

Discrepancy with Contract

In case that the Product is not in accordance with the Contract when it is taken over by the Buyer (further only as "discrepancy with the Contract"), the Buyer has the right that the Seller brings the Product into the state which is in accord with this Contract free of charge and with no unnecessary delay. The Seller will do so according to the requirement of the Buyer either by replacing or repairing the Product; if such a procedure is not possible, the Buyer may request an adequate discount or the Buyer can step back from the Contract. This does not apply when the Buyer knew about the discrepancy with the Contract prior to taking over the Product or when the Buyer caused the discrepancy with the Contract themselves. If Product is sent back to the Seller for repair or return, the Buyer must return it in a state and with complete packaging in which it was delivered; otherwise the Seller is allowed to charge the Buyer adequate costs as a compensation of missing parts or defects on the Product.

The right of End-user to step back from the Contract

In case the Buyer is End-user and the sale of the Product takes place on the territory of the Czech Republic (i.e. the Product is not exported) and if the Contract is concluded by the means of communication at a distance (in internet shop), the Buyer has the right, in accordance with 53 par. 7, Civil code, to step back from the agreement within 14 days from taking over the Product. In this case, the End-user shall contact the Seller and will state in writing that they step back from the Contract, stating the number of order, date of purchase and account number for return of money. Stepping back from the Contract must be delivered the last day of the 14day period at the latest.

This stipulation of act, however, cannot be understood as the possibility of lending the goods for free. The End-user, in case of using the right of stepping back from the Contract within 14 days from taking over the Product, must return to the Seller everything that the Buyer gained on the basis of the Contract. If this is not possible anymore, (e.g. when the Product was destroyed in the meantime), the End-usermust provide a financial compensation as a counterbalance of what cannot be returned. If the returned goods is damaged only to some extent, the Seller can apply the right for compensation of damage and reduce the returned purchase price by the value of this damage. In this case, the Seller is obliged to prove the arisen damage. The Seller returns to the End-user only the purchase price reduced this way.

The purchase price that is to be returned to the Buyer, shall be further reduced by the real cost associated with returning the goods (transport and manipulation costs).
The goods shall be shipped to:
NOABE s.r.o.
V Nivach 12
Jablonec nad Nisou
466 01
Czech Republic